Extended Cookie Policy

When browsing the pages of Welltv.it, one or more Cookies are installed on your computer. Cookies are composed of text fragments loaded into the browser that allow the website to function properly and, for example, keep the user's session open without requiring re-entry of credentials on each connection.

Users arriving at Welltv.it for the first time are shown a brief notice, in a visible popup, inviting them to accept the loading of Cookies and to read this policy. As stated in the brief notice, Welltv.it's Cookie Policy will be considered accepted even if the user continues to browse by scrolling the page or clicking on an internal link. In case of refusal, the user is invited to close the browser window and not continue browsing Welltv.it.

Essential Technical Cookies for the Operation of Welltv.it

Technical Cookies are responsible for allowing activities strictly related to the operation of Welltv.it. The technical Cookies used can be identified as follows:

  • Navigation Cookies, which allow the saving of browsing preferences and optimize the User's browsing experience;
  • Analytics Cookies, which acquire statistical information about Users' browsing methods. This information is processed in aggregate and anonymous form;
  • Functionality Cookies, including third-party ones, used to activate specific features of this online space and necessary for providing the service or improving it.

Welltv.it directly loads exclusively technical Cookies for functionality, aimed at the proper management of the session, and "analytics", i.e., aimed at aggregated statistics and obtaining aggregated data on the statistics related to the contents of Welltv.it.

Pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code (in the wording in force following the entry into force of Legislative Decree no. 69/2012) and the Privacy Guarantor's Provision "Identification of simplified methods for the information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 08 May 2014, "technical" cookies do not require prior consent from the user.

Welltv.it does not directly install Cookies aimed at tracking the behavior of individual users or profiling.

Third-Party Cookies

During navigation on Welltv.it, other Cookies are installed in addition to those technical ones mentioned above, not directly provided by MarkSugar.art but coming from third parties and over which Welltv.it has no direct control. Third-party cookies related to navigation on Welltv.it are:

  • Vercel Analytics Cookies
  • Google Analytics Cookies

Managing Cookies within Your Browser

Users are free to delete cookies loaded by Welltv.it or prohibit their installation by operating on their browser settings.

Here are instructions for managing cookies with reference to the most common browsers:

Data Controller

The Data Controller of the personal data entered by users of the Welltv.it website is Welltv srl with office in Via Inganni 4, Brescia - email info@welltv.eu. The exercise of the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 can be carried out through specific communication by post addressed to the same Company, or through the address: info@welltv.eu.

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Puoi cambiare le tue preferenze tramite la pagina dedicata.

Cookies policy